Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Teachers Training

Zulufa Rashidi, a girl from Katumbi village, Mahale is about to head to Kigoma at the weekend to start a 2 year  Teachers Training course.  I spoke to her yesterday and she is incredibly excited and thrilled to be able to further her education.  Zulufa is being sponsored to go to college by Linda and Ian Parsons from the UK.  We hope that she will enjoy her time there and ultimately come back to teach in Katumbi.

There is no secondary school in Katumbi, and the primary school currently has about 790 students in it with 6 government paid teachers.  It is hugely oversubscribed as children come from the surrounding villages and rural areas to study there.  The teachers have to travel to Kigoma-a 2 day boat trip one way-monthly to collect their wages which means that the school barely functions for about 10 days a month.

The opportunity for some one from the village, let alone a female, to go to college is incredible.  A big thank you to the Linda and Ian.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Book Donations

I wanted to thank a number of people who have very generously donated books to our new environmental library in Usevya:
Annette Lewis for contributing so much as well as sending books from Amazon, Toni and Quentin Heim, Suzanne and Joy Barnes, Melanie Gowans, Linda Broome, and Janine Kleerup.
Your support in getting our book collection started for the Environmental Library has been invaluable-THANK YOU ALL. 
If anyone would like to make a contribution to the environmental library or has any educational material they would like to donate please contact us at:

Usevya Youth Center and Environmental library-Katavi

Nomad Trust partnered with Winters Rotary Club, The Besom Charity and Professors from UC Davis are building a youth center in Usevya, just outside Katavi National Park.  The youth center will provide a greatly needed educational and recreational outlet for the youth of the community.  
As part of this amazing initiative, Nomad Trust is sponsoring a small environmental library in the Youth centre.  The buildings are coming along nicely.

All the furniture for it is made and ready to move in once the building is finished and we are working on sourcing solar power for the center in order to run a projector and lights. I will be running, on behalf of Nomad Trust, the Kilimanjaro half marathon in Feb 2012 to raise funds for the solar system.  To donate to this cause please clink of the following link: 
A number of companies have donated books and environmental material for the library already:  Our special thanks goes out to: The BBC for their wildlife magazines, Book Aid, Cabrini College and Cabrini College Philosophy Club.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Books for Kakuni Primary School-Katavi

Very kindly David & Gay Campbell and Bob & Mary Anne Budin donated money for Kakuni Primary School to buy school text books.
 Jerome-the head master of Kakuni- showed us all of the books he purchased with their generous donation he bought 45 textbooks. Jerome is very proud of these books and gathered them from the classrooms to be seen. 

If you look closely you can see the subjects written in swahili: geography (jographia), swahili, science (sayansi), civics (uraia), etc.  For a school without any prior books, this is a very big deal!