Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thank you

A big thank you to the Rotary Club of Parole for considering us in their B.I.G project (Books for International Goodwill)-we received a lovely big box of educational books to use in our environmental library in Usevya, Katavi.

Focus on Mahale

Greystoke, Mahale
Investing in communities and conservation

In Mahale, we have the honour of being one of the few camps set within the beautiful forests of the Mahale Mountains National Park.  With the crystal clear waters, the excitement of trekking for Chimpanzees and the sheer magnificence of the beach, we hope that you will take a few moments to reflect on the context of this beautiful place.
Here at Nomad we feel we have a responsibility to the communities who live along the lake shores, as well as to the animals within the forest.

We have a variety of projects that we support here:
Safari Kids
Our guides have agreed to donate three days of their time to take a small group of school students into the national park, to teach them about ecology and primates. We hope that the children will take with them an excitement about the incredible resources they have on their door step, and a desire to protect their environment long into the future.
It costs $150 per day to take students into the park

Maajabu Environmental Films
Maajabu are a Tanzanian based non-profit, who show environmental films.  They arrive with their own screen, projector, technicians and a series of films to show in schools and village centres-the entire community shows up!  That environmental messages can be sent out to all sectors of the community, in an area where communications is difficult and information gathering nearly impossible, Maajabu’s role in Mahale is vitally important.
It costs $700 to bring the Maajabu film here for a total of 8 film showings.

Katumbi Village Clinic
We recently invested $4000 in the clinic on medication, storage facilities, and medical equipment.  There is a huge need for further assistance for this clinic.

Katumbi Primary School
It is possible, and highly recommended to visit this wonderful little school near the airstrip. It is incredibly basic, we have provided the school with books, desks, chairs and cupboards. Nomad Trust has set up a nursery class, and for the second year running we sponsor a nursery teacher, as well as provide the children with a meal a day. 

Nomad trust has set up a computer room, run on solar power, with laptops and a printer.   
We are currently looking for sponsorship for meals for the nursery students.
It costs $1000 for one year to provide one meal a day to all the nursery students.

If you would like to support any of our projects we can be contacted at nomadtrust@nomad.co.tz

Focus on Chada

Chada, Katavi
 At Nomad we believe that ultimately the longevity of a protected area depends on the goodwill of its neighbors. Fostering positive attitudes through environmental education is essential.  Here in Mpimbwe the Nomad Trust has a number of ongoing projects, take a trip to Mpimbwe, to learn more about local culture, meet the people themselves, and hear their needs.
A day in the Park:
Partnered with TANAPA we have a new bus available to take school children and teachers on educational trips into Katavi National Park.  We hope that the children will take with them an excitement about the incredible ecosystem and a desire to protect it long into the future.
It costs $150 per day to take students into the park.  

Rocket Stoves:

An initiative started last season by Kristen Vibbert, the former manageress of Chada, has been hugely successful.  Rocket stoves are a clean and efficient stove using smaller diameter wood burnt in a simple high temperature combustion chamber built out of bricks and insulated with mud and ash. Where wood sources are scarce these stoves are very efficient as they require little fuel, and afford the most heat without smoke, keeping the air cleaner with less hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. They are ideal for home use as well as schools.  We have seen a phenomenal reduction in fuel use!
Clients are welcome to go to homes and get involved in the building of a rocket stove.

Kibaoni Primary School

It is possible and recommended to visit this lovely school.  Through client donations Nomad Trust has provided the school with a small number of books, desks, and started up a bee keeping project.
$1000 goes a long way in purchasing books for the school. 

Usevya Youth Centre

Just outside Katavi National Park Winters Rotary Club, The Besom Charity and professors from UC Davis are building a youth center in the small town of Usevya. The youth center will provide a greatly needed educational and recreational outlet for the youth of the community. As part of this amazing initiative, Nomad Trust is sponsoring a small environmental library in the center.
 We are currently fundraising for a solar system, which will cost $8000, to run a few lights, a couple of laptops and a DVD player.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Focus on Nduara

Nduara, Loliondo
Investing in communities and conservation

We have a variety of projects that we support here:
Safari Kids
Our guides have agreed to donate three days of their time to take a small group of school students into the national park, to teach them about ecology (and to hopefully spot a big cat or two!). The aim of this project is to increase awareness and interest of a new generation regarding the importance of wildlife conservation and assure the survival of Tanzania’s wildlife heritage.  It costs $150 per day to take students into the park

Maajabu Environmental Films
Maajabu are a Tanzanian based non-profit, who show environmental films.  They arrive with their own screen, projector, technicians and a series of films to show in schools and village centres-the entire community shows up!  That environmental messages can be sent out to all sectors of the community, in an area where information gathering nearly impossible, Maajabu’s role in Loliondo is vitally important.
It costs $700 to bring the Maajabu film here for a total of 8 film showings.

Ololosokwan Primary School:
Following a $36,000 client donation we have been able to set up a computer lab, train teachers, and provide photocopier machines, all running on solar, for this wonderful school.  We are currently fundraising for a white board and projector.   

Mwalimu’s School
A magic little school, set up by a local Maasai, which is growing daily thanks to client donations.  We have built the school a kitchen a store, so it now qualifies for WFP donations, we have built teachers housing, a classroom and provided educational and recreational supplies for this school.

It is well worth visiting both of these schools.

Piaya Primary School
It is possible to visit this wonderful little school in Piaya. It is incredibly basic-Nomad Trust has provided the school with mosquito nets, desks, and chairs.  We are currently building 200 desks for this school.  It is always in need of supplies.
It costs $600 for a fully comprehensive first aid kit for the school.   

Friday, May 4, 2012


On my recent visit to Piaya, Loliondo to stay at Nduara camp and visit the community, the school kids loved my shoes.  I happened to have the TOMS flag with me so took some fun pictures of the kids I would love to get them all some shoes at some stage.

 I also took a picture of a local maasai who took me on a 2 hour hike.  I was in my TOMS and he was in his "1000 milers" made out of old car tires. 

Fundraising for solar system-Katavi

After running the Kilimanjaro half marathon at the end of Feb I have managed to raise a further $653 alongside the GBP 1392 raised online through virgin money giving,  This is a great start towards raising the greatly needed funds for the solar system, however we are still a way off.  To donate to this good cause please go to http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserProfilePage.action?userUrl=LaliHeath 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Desks for Piaya School

Following my last post, we got an incredibly generous donation of $7,200 to buy the remaining 200 desks needed by the school in Piaya.  This is hugely exciting.  Thank you Anne Lavigne!