Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Solar Panels for Mwalimu's school, Ololosokwan

The four solar panels for Mwalimu's school have finally been cleared from Dar Es Salaam.  The solar panels were donated by an organization in the UK through the amazing Christine Davies.  We are now waiting for the panels to make their way safely to Arusha.  The school is thrilled to be getting solar panels.
Thank you!   

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Usevya Youth Center-Chada Katavi

Progress has been slower than expected with the building of the library, but the good news is that the library is practically done.  Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, a professor from UC Davis in California recently held the first environmental education session there a few weeks ago for Form IV students which is very exciting.
Monique and Tim managed to get hold of the full collection of Kakakuona Magazines in swahili since the publication started, which the students love.  As of this month, September, there is a salary for a library operator and I am really looking forward to going to Chada to see the center.
We have 22 laptops coming, which still need electricity, Nomad Trust is currently fund raising for this project.  To contribute please email me on: nomadtrust@nomad.co.tz 

Piaya Desks

The school in Piaya has now received  over 250 new desks for all of its classrooms.  A big thank you to the donors who made this possible, especially Anne!