Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lions in Lamai

I was recently at Lamai in the Serengeti and had the chance to go on a game drive.  I saw this lovely big pride of Lions-and got to see a lioness pick up a leopard tortoise in her mouth and give it to the other lions! 
They then cuddled and played with this tortoise!  Incredible!

The Usevya Youth Center, Katavi

The roof of the second part of the youth center is finally on-just in time for the rainy season.

Katumbi Computer Training-Mahale

Shirima Evans, from AA computers has recently been to Katumbi to check up on the solar system and carry out more training for the teachers and students at Katumbi Primary School.
 Shirima trained the following teachers on the basics-They had never had computer classes before
1.       Ashura Rashidi – from the dispensary.  The clinic also received their new lap top from funds from Nigel Palmer.
2.       Mwl. Khalid Banikwa
3.       Mwl. Felis Chubwa
4.       Mwl. Juma Rajab (the head master)
After the course, the participants were able to write a report and exam papers using word program and basic excel functions.
Skills taught: Keyboard and mouse training, Windows basics, introduction to MS word and excel, use of internet, including sending and receiving emails.

1.       Mwl. Abdulkari Haruna Kabolya
Had the basic knowledge from the first training therefore Shirima taught him some advanced skills on formatting and professional looking documents.  Shirima was also able to teach some teaching methodology to help them teach others to use computers.

I hope that this training has helped re-invigorate the teachers, and get them really excited about the use of computers and the internet.