Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Focus on Chada

Chada, Katavi
 At Nomad we believe that ultimately the longevity of a protected area depends on the goodwill of its neighbors. Fostering positive attitudes through environmental education is essential.  Here in Mpimbwe the Nomad Trust has a number of ongoing projects, take a trip to Mpimbwe, to learn more about local culture, meet the people themselves, and hear their needs.
A day in the Park:
Partnered with TANAPA we have a new bus available to take school children and teachers on educational trips into Katavi National Park.  We hope that the children will take with them an excitement about the incredible ecosystem and a desire to protect it long into the future.
It costs $150 per day to take students into the park.  

Rocket Stoves:

An initiative started last season by Kristen Vibbert, the former manageress of Chada, has been hugely successful.  Rocket stoves are a clean and efficient stove using smaller diameter wood burnt in a simple high temperature combustion chamber built out of bricks and insulated with mud and ash. Where wood sources are scarce these stoves are very efficient as they require little fuel, and afford the most heat without smoke, keeping the air cleaner with less hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. They are ideal for home use as well as schools.  We have seen a phenomenal reduction in fuel use!
Clients are welcome to go to homes and get involved in the building of a rocket stove.

Kibaoni Primary School

It is possible and recommended to visit this lovely school.  Through client donations Nomad Trust has provided the school with a small number of books, desks, and started up a bee keeping project.
$1000 goes a long way in purchasing books for the school. 

Usevya Youth Centre

Just outside Katavi National Park Winters Rotary Club, The Besom Charity and professors from UC Davis are building a youth center in the small town of Usevya. The youth center will provide a greatly needed educational and recreational outlet for the youth of the community. As part of this amazing initiative, Nomad Trust is sponsoring a small environmental library in the center.
 We are currently fundraising for a solar system, which will cost $8000, to run a few lights, a couple of laptops and a DVD player.

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